DNJ Engine Components, with over 30 years of experience, has become a full line provider of Domestic & Japanese engine parts for all cars and trucks and offers listings of all engines. Company goal is to make DNJ the name brand you can trust and we are committed to keeping you up-dated with all the new parts that are for late model applications.
Over 14,000 parts numbers in each branch location across the country to help you service your customers more efficiently, along with a toll free 800 number at each location for easy ordering.
Company proud to say about chosen to associate with manufacturers who are certified with ISO9001, ISO9002, and with the prestigious QS9000 certificate. DNJ are proud to say that all DNJ Engine Components meet or exceed O.E. Quality.
You are assured to receive a worldwide proven quality part, whether a DNJ Gasket set or any other DNJ Engine Components (Pistons, Rings, Oil Pumps, Water Pumps, Valves, Lifters, Engine Bearings, Freeze Plugs, Timing Belts, Timing Components, Tensioners, Rocker Arms, Rocker Arm Shafts, and Camshafts).