1. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: The products listed in this catalog are warranted free from defects in workmanship and material for thirty (30) days from date of delivery. No other express warranty is given and no affirmation of seller, by words or action, shall constitute a warranty.
2. The above warranty is made only to the dealer, retailer or other direct customer of Quality Chain Corp. (hereby referred to as QCC). QCC makes no warranty to the ultimate user and prohibits the transfer of the warranty given above to its direct customer to any subsequent purchaser, including but not limited to ultimate user.
3. REMEDIES: The Buyer’s sole remedy for breach of any warranty is limited exclusively to obtaining, at the discretion of the Seller, either credit, repair or replacement of any product sold hereunder by QCC which shall be returned to seller’s plant, transportation prepaid within thirty (30) days after delivery to a user and within ten (10) days of discovery of alleged defect, and which QCC inspection shall determine to be defective. Buyer shall not be entitled to recover any incidental or consequential damages. No material shall be returned without written consent of the seller.
If you feel you have a valid chain breakage claim please follow the instructions below.
If the chains were purchased directly from QCC then follow the instructions below.
Whether the claim comes from an end user or a retailer / dealer it must be sent back to Quality Chain for inspection. NO EXCEPTIONS. Chains must be sent pre paid. No Collect Shipments. If the chain is repairable you will be responsible for return freight and repair parts charges.
You must include the following: