"How to Build" Instructional Book (92077) by J.W. Performance®. The J.W. Performance "How to Build a Racing Powerglide" book is chock full of useful, hard to find information on the aluminum case powerglide. Over 90 pages of great information, including transmission identification, tear down, re-assembly, mod ifications, torque converter theory, and tool fabrication guidelines. Includes many pictures and diagrams. This service manual by Access Tools provides the most comprehensive repair information in paper format available on the market. This manual is produced using the highest quality printer available.
Not recommended for street use
Title: How to Build a Racing Powerglide
Pages: 170
Binding: Comb
Built using the most technologically advanced equipment
Made from highly durable materials to last for a long time
Made to deliver utmost combination of performance and reliability
J.W. Performance Transmission, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high performance automatic transmissions and components for drag and off road racers, street and strip enthusiasts, and more. Headquartered in Rockledge, Florida, J.W. Performance® manufactures thousands of quality transmissions and related parts ranging from flexplates to bellhousings. The company pioneered over 250 products since 1976. Many of its innovative solutions remain the industry standard and are widely used by professional racers in the United States and abroad.
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J.W. Performance® 92077 - "How to Build" Instructional Book
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